
This year the ever popular WorkEqual ‘Disco Lunch is being held at Roberta’s in Temple Bar and is kindly supported by Sia Partners.
Kicking off from 12.15pm, 250 senior executives and business owners will gather to network and celebrate the goal of equity in the workplace. There will be a short address by CEO Su Duff, Founder Sonya Lennon and some WorkEqual clients. Keeping the vibe light, Sally Cinnamon DJ will lead the disco beats and encourage bops between courses. Numerous raffle prizes will be available to be won thanks to the generous gifts from a range of WorkEqual supporters.
WorkEqual is very pleased to connect with Sia Partners who are a next generation management consulting firm with the ambition to be a purpose-driven company with ESG at its core.
The event was sold out by mid April but you can still contact to be put on a waiting list in case of cancellations.