
Launching the 2020 WorkEqual campaign
We are delighted to officially launch the WorkEqual 2020 campaign today! This is the fifth year of the annual campaign, which aims to raise awareness of workplace gender inequalities and related issues and develop solutions to these issues on a whole-of-society basis.
We are also proud to announce the new three-year partnership with both Permanent TSB and SOLAS, as headline sponsors of the WorkEqual campaign. We are delighted to have such incredible partners on board and join us on this journey to a truly gender-equal society.
Our programme of activities this year is just as exciting as any other:
The Solutions Series: A whole-of-society approach to progressing gender equality
This year, we will host local and global activists, politicians, business leaders, NGO representatives, and gender equality experts as part of an online panel discussion series – The Solutions Series: A whole-of-society approach to progressing gender equality.
Each of ‘The Solution Series’ discussions will be open to anyone interested in gender equality to attend online, free of charge. Five discussions will take place in total. All events will run from 1pm to 2pm, and advance registration is required.
Find out more here.
Equal Pay day
Each year, we highlight Equal Pay Day, the day on which women in Ireland stop earning, relative to men. This year, due to Ireland’s current pay gap of 14.4%, Equal Pay Day falls on Monday, 9th November 2020, which means that women in Ireland effectively work for free for the last 52 days of the year, when compared with their male counterparts.
We will be marking Equal Pay Day 2020 with a social media and media relations campaign, as well as hosting an online panel discussion on ‘Why Understanding the Pay Gap is Key to Gender Equality at Work‘.
The WorkEqual Oireachtas All-Party Group
As part of the WorkEqual campaign, we were delighted to convene the first meeting of the WorkEqual Oireachtas All-Party Group, of this Oireachtas term.
The first meeting was attended by a truly cross-party group of TDs and Senators; Sonya Lennon, Founder of the WorkEqual campaign and WorkEqual ; Angela Smith, CEO of WorkEqual .
At the meeting, Senators Ivana Bacik, Lorraine Clifford-Lee and Emer Currie were selected as co-chairs of the group and planning began on an exciting work programme for 2020 / 2021.
Launching the Campaign
Speaking about the launch, founder of the WorkEqual campaign Sonya Lennon said: “Gender inequality is not a challenge for Ireland alone. It’s an issue that countries worldwide are grappling with. We have lots to learn from countries that have shown leadership and innovation in promoting gender equality in the workplace.
“This year, as a physical conference is not feasible, we’re running a series of online panel discussions and using the opportunity presented by moving online to broaden the global reach of the campaign.”
Find out more about the campaign here, and stay up to date with the campaign on social media at: