Meet the team: Lacey Harder, WorkEqual intern

For the past few months, we have had the help of our wonderful intern, Lacey Harder, who has joined us all the way from the USA. She has supported our team with administration, styling consultations, event management and so much more! We will be really sorry to say goodbye to her when her time with us comes to an end, but we know she will go on to do amazing things!
As part of our International Women’s Day celebrations this week, we’re profiling some of the wonderful women who work with us and Lacey is first under the spotlight!
1. Tell us a little about your own background and your studies to date, Lacey:
I graduated with my undergraduate degree in December 2022, so this is my first internship. I graduated from Graceland University (in the USA) with an Honours Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in Equality and Peace. I majored in Social Change with a concentration in Gender & LGBTQ+ Justice, while minoring in Philosophy and Women’s & Gender Studies.
I have had a few summer jobs before, but this is the first position I have held relating to my future career.
2. How did you come to volunteer with WorkEqual? How long have you been volunteering with us?
My internship coordinator for the American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS), which is the group that I am abroad with, found this internship for me because it related to my interests and degree. I first started in January 2023, and I will be here for 12 weeks.
3. Tell us about your role – what does a typical day look like?
As an intern, I have done a wide variety of tasks for WorkEqual. I have been able to shadow styling-sessions, do research for various partnerships and grants, organize the office, take minutes at various meetings, help host a volunteer gathering, and more.
My favourite thing about volunteering with WorkEqual is either seeing the look on a client’s face when they find an outfit that makes them feel powerful, or seeing how many other people are passionate about women’s rights and helping women.
4. Do you remember any WOW moments from your volunteering experience?
At one of the first styling sessions that I assisted with, our client was unsure about trying on dresses. When she came in she told us that she could not see herself leaving with a dress, but by encouraging her to step out of her comfort zone, we ended up finding a gorgeous dress that worked for her.
Seeing the look of joy on her face and the change in her body language when she tried on the perfect dress was incredible. Sometimes you do not get to see your positive impact on others, so anytime I am able to see it, I try not to take it for granted.
Learn more about WorkEqual
We offer a variety of services to women who want to enter or re-enter the workforce, such as interview preparation, mentorship, financial education workshops and styling consultations. Our services are free of charge. Contact us at or visit our services page.